
Sarakat Bags

The municipality is known for its indigenous weaving tradition. It has become known for its Sarakat-made ikamen or banig (woven mat) and sinamay made of piña or banana fiber.

Sarakat is the local term for pandan leaves endemic to the town. The Sarakat conservation, regulation, and propagation initiative is continuously conducted. The municipality developed the weaving industry in 2006 with only 15 women weavers. They organized Sarakat Movers which eventually evolved and grew into Santa Praxedes Sarakat Weavers Association.


Gamet is a seasonal seaweed like the Japanese nori that grows on sharp coral stones jutting along the craggy coastlines of Santa Praxedes. The seaweed grows in abundance during the colder months starting in November and ending March.

Learning about its economic value, the Local Government Unit has invested in technology to process gamet into edible and delicious ingredients.

Vista Point

Mornings in this rural town would be a magnificent experience. Start your day witnessing the glorious daybreak by driving to the viewpoint at the boundary of Pagudpud (Ilocos Norte) and Sta. Praxedes. The morning mist and sea of clouds blanketing the mountains and the valley of Sta. Praxedes never fail to reward and amaze visitors and locals.

This breathtaking view of the mountains and the valleys offers a rejuvenating experience to start your day exploring the town’s natural wonders.

Portabaga Falls Park & Resort

Portabaga Waterfalls provides a refreshing respite during the dry season. It is a 15-meter waterfall that sits right at the foot of a mountain covered with lush forest.

A popular destination among families and friends to cool down from the heat. Aside from the natural pool or reservoir, the park management built kiddie and adult pools, cottages, and picnic tables.

Kimmansir Beach

Santa Praxedes boasts virgin beaches, coves, and limestone rock formations along its coasts. The go-to beach destinations are Kimmansir Beach, Mingay a Dakkel, and Mingay a Bassit.

These beaches are part of small coves located on the northwestern coast of Sta. Praxedes. These fascinating beach coves are famous for their white sand beaches, clear waters, rocky cliffs and rock formations that enthrall adventurous souls for a thrilling and energizing experience of beach hopping.