
Buguey Church

Buguey takes pride in its iconic old church named after the Mother of Mary, St. Anne. Constructed in the 17th century, it features white-washed columns on its brick-laden façade. The fountain in front of the church also serves its distinct mark.
Having undergone a substantial reconstruction and restoration, the church now takes pride in its well-kept and spotless exteriors and interiors. The colorful stained glass windows on the thick white walls add spectacle and color to the interior’s natural and artificial lighting setup. You won’t miss the contemporary lighting behind the wooden cross on its nave.

While the modern-day lighting design gives the impression of lightness and comfort, the exposed beams and the higher and whiter ceilings allow that perception of a bigger space. Meanwhile, the centerpiece of the church-its restored baroque-style wooden retablo and the transept altars now shine in their majestic golden finish. Like other churches in Cagayan, the St. Anne Church shares a tragic past. Fate had it when in 1732, a fire gutted the church and the adjoining convent. Only the façade remained of the original structure and was reconstructed to its present-day look.