Sagat Festival (Patronal Fiesta)
Rev. Fr. Nathaniel L. Malana is the founder of the Sagat Festival, in honor of Sto. Niño de Faire, first celebrated during the January Patronal Fiesta in 2007. He was inspired by the Sagat furniture displayed in the living room of the convent. He said, “The Fairenians are compared to a Sagat Tree or ‘Molave’ scientifically known as *Vitex parviflora*, whose sturdiness and grace reflect the strong and lively faith of the devout Fairenians, the older it becomes, the more beautiful it is.”
Its conception happened in 2006, and it was first celebrated in 2007 with the theme: “Keeping the Faith, Celebrating Life.” It was conceived to uniquely celebrate the feast of Sto. Niño de Faire every January 16.
It is a week-long festival celebrating the faith, life, and culture of the people of Santo Niño (Faire) in many varied ways—from Novena Prayers, Solemn Masses, and processions, to cultural presentations and street dancing, to agro-industrial fairs featuring Sagat by-products, lectures, and talks, as well as citation and award ceremonies.
It is also a way to promote the town to the rest of the Cagayanos, to local tourists, and to the countless devotees of Sto. Niño.